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What Would You Do?

Preventing pregnancy has been something women have been trying to do for centuries. Since the United States Supreme Court made abortion legal, in 1973, there have been more than 53 million women in America who have chosen abortion. For every reaction, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Abortion is the choice of the woman who is carrying that child; therefore, we must support the decision of the woman through the actions of society, and the law. As a nation, we value our rights as an individual, along with that mentality we should respect those same rights that are given to us for others.      

  A common judgment about a woman with an unplanned pregnancy is that she didn’t use birth control. As a matter of fact, in stating that argument, we forget to acknowledge that, half of all unplanned pregnancies transpire while women are on birth control (Gibbs). When birth control fails, many don’t know what to do. Abortion to some may be seen as immoral, or against their religious beliefs, but that is not for everyone. It is selfish for us to turn around and impose our beliefs on others. The decision to have an abortion is heart-wrenching for all the people involved, but through abortion, we have no place to criticize someone, but rather we must be supportive. Kevin Williamson, an employee for The Atlantic, was fired for doing the opposite of this. He tweeted against abortion referring to the procedure as “homicide” that should be treated “like any other homicide.” In addition, stating that those who support capital punishment should favor the death penalty for women who receive abortions. The argument that abortion amounts to baby-killing is standard among pro-life activists, but it has circulation beyond them (Chapmon).

From the start of the movement, the anti-woman stance of the pro-life advocates has been criticized for their opinion. The overall idea is that being pro-life is pro-woman, but that simply isn’t true. Someone’s worth is not based on their circumstances, accomplishments or abilities, but simply on the fact that they are a human being (Johnson). It is not right for us to judge someone based off of one action, without looking at where they came from, who they are, and what they believe. If something is taken out of context, how is it fair to judge someone without the full story? Just because one may think its wrong doesn’t mean that it is not right for someone else. Abortion is more based on socio-economic status rather than people who just simply want an abortion as a fact of birth control. Abortions are expensive, but children are more so. This is not just a woman issue this is also an economic issue. While some find abortion sinful, those same people will turn around and say that carelessly having a child is sinful as well. Overall, 

coming to the conscious that abortion is the responsible choice. Deciding to have an abortion isn’t easy for anyone so let's make that decision easier and support them (Herda). 

The US Supreme Court has declared abortion to be a "fundamental right" guaranteed by the Constitution. During the past 40 years, since Roe v Wade, federal courts, have replaced States, as the driving force in creating abortion laws. Since the Supreme Court’s decision on Roe v. Wade, which granted women the right to an abortion, state legislatures and governors have come across a number of limitations in the ways they can regulate abortion. Before Roe v Wade, and most of American history, states have banned or restricted abortion. State abortion laws often target those who give abortions rather than those who have them (Johnson). The aim of many of these laws was to protect women and their unborn child from injury.  Sen. Jason Schultz says, "We understand that when a heartbeat stops, somebody passes away. It only makes sense to the broad body of the population that when a heartbeat starts, you have a life there, and it should be protected." What Sen. Schultz fails to realize that independent life begins when a fetus is separated from its mother. Until that happens, that fetus is a part of her body. The next argument against Sen. Schultz claims is that a fetus is not its own person; not for taxes, not for insurance. A pregnant woman who drinks alcohol isn’t legally giving alcohol to a minor. Governments issue birth certificates, not heartbeat detection certificates (Moines). 

In stating our argument, we must look at the opposition. Pro-Life advocates would state that making abortions illegal would get rid of abortions altogether (Gibbs). In response to this, we must ventilate that abortions have been happening since woman could have children. Women have gone to all lengths to terminate their pregnancies and will continue to no matter what laws are in place (Hasselbacher). Wouldn’t we rather be safe than sorry? Another point that the opposition argues is the morality behind abortion. Whether or not it is morally right to have one (Johnson). As mentioned above abortion to some is seen as immoral, or against religion, but that is not for everyone, we have the freedom to think, to speak, and believe in whatever god we want, as a result of criticizing someone else for their beliefs we become selfish when we impose our own.

Abortion is essential to our nation, it is a choice and should be protected under the law. Society must allow woman to end unwanted pregnancies not because we think it is right or wrong, but because we call ourselves free. For every reaction, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Let our reaction be a good one.

Works Cited

Chapman, Steve. "I Don't Think Abortion is Murder, and neither do You." Chicago Tribune (Online), 27 Apr. 2018, pp. n/a. SIRS Issues Researcher, 

Gibbs, Nancy, and Michael Duffy. ""we must Proceed with Great Care"." Time, Aug. 2001, pp. 14+. SIRS Issues Researcher,

Hasselbacher, Lee. "Roe v. Wade is Essential to America's Health. Don't Undo it." Chicago Tribune (Online), 15 Sep. 2018, pp. n/a. SIRS Issues Researcher, 

Herda. A Woman's Right to an Abortion : Roe v. Wade. New York, NY, Enslow Pub, 2017. US Supreme Court Landmark Cases. 

Johnson, Noelle. "Pro-Life is Pro-Woman." University Wire, 26 Sep. 2018, pp. n/a. SIRS Issues Researcher,

Kass, John. "Guns Feed Death Culture? what about Abortion?" Chicago Tribune, 21 Feb. 2018, pp. 2. SIRS Issues Researcher,

"Let's Repeat: Fetus is Part of the Mother." Des Moines Register, 21 Feb. 2018, pp. A.1. SIRS Issues Researcher, 

Luckett, Rebecca. "I'm a Catholic Obstetrician Who had an Abortion..." USA Today (Online), 19 Mar. 2018, pp. n/a. SIRS Issues Researcher,

Mendoza, Jessica. "In Today's Movement Toward Home Abortions, Echoes.." Christian Science Monitor, 05 Jul. 2017, pp. n/a. SIRS Issues Researcher,

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